Author Archives: admin

If the worst should happen!

Finally got around to having a proper holiday in the UK and here I am at the end of it with no tan, a few kg heavier and no actual support problems to report other than a few RTFM problems. … Continue reading


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Re-Envisioning Mobile Communications

What follows is an un-researched flight of fancy I’m totally over smartphones! I went back to a dumb phone 12 months ago and my old smartphone is now just used as the remote control for Netflix, Viber calls (see below) … Continue reading


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Why so quiet?

Well I have actually been busy. Two of the electronic boards have gone into production and a third more complicated 4-layer board is nearing completion for the client. Unfortunately these wont be open sourced as the client has some close … Continue reading


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CO2, Temperature and Humidity Monitor

CO2 Monitoring is mandatory in many workplaces and it affects two of my clients directly in Barrel Halls where wine is stored and aged in temperature and environmentally controlled areas. The table below shows the affects of various concentrations in the … Continue reading


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PT100 Control Board for Raspberry Pi. Completed!

I have recently completed this project. It has the same specification as the previous post however a few improvements have been made in light of new information. The board is intended to accurately control the temperatures of 4 wine tanks … Continue reading


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Raspberry Pi PT100 temperature sensor and control board

I am currently working on a small Project for David at Wine Technologies ( to replace an older proprietary temperature control PLC. David decided he would like to use a Raspberry Pi due to the fact it is very powerful, … Continue reading


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Ever get the feeling something big is about to happen?

I always seem to start blogs these days with how crazy busy I am, and while that is true, it is also boring and totally un-newsworthy. Instead lets talk the future, and, as anyone who knows me will tell you, … Continue reading


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Serial Port combiner for RFID station

I have a project where the HMI (Human-Machine Interface – ie the touch screen PC) is situated 20M from the station. Normally I would move the screen but this time it was not possible. The station has a printer and … Continue reading


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Adding a Message Of the Day or Quote of the Day to your system

Got handed a nice SQL file a few years back, one which I slip into most of my applications and one that generates quotes of the day, (or Message of the day – MOTD) there are 1462 records or about … Continue reading


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Catch Production system. First Screen shots

Wow, I’ve never been so busy! The first incomplete version of the Catch Production System has been installed in the factory. Several parts still need to be written such as the packing and dispatch screens and these will be addressed … Continue reading


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