New Project “Catch 2”

Looks like I’m going to be re-writing my production processing software for one of my favourite client Omega Seafoods to add sales order functionality and enhance the production side accuracy using barcodes, all left off the original 2007 spec and build.

The new version will still use MySQL 5.x as the backend but I will re-write the front end completely in Lazarus this time instead of Delphi, the usability and features of Lazarus are coming on in leaps and bounds and I’m coming to appreciate its simplicity more every day. Again I will be open sourcing the new system and, although there are not many seafood processors out there, the concepts, design and program may help someone in a similar industry. (Lets face it, most companies are all pretty similar when you get down to the bottom line, they buy or grow things, make them into something sellable and sell them, the fieldnames may change but the ideas the same)

As a taster, here is the proposed schema (As an Open Office Presentation) database r4

This work will start off slowly as I still have tonnes of commitments and projects, and should  take 2-3 weeks (as what’s currently there is mostly ok and easy to copy) I hope to give them the first version sometime early 2014 but most of January I’m on leave and the 2014 Vintage kicks into full swing in Gisborne in February, vintage usually wipes my time out until the end of April, hopefully they are cool with this. (They are pretty cool guys so I’m guessing yes)

The name of the project is Catch, so this will be Catch 2 (Maybe I should skip a few versions and go straight to 22!)

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