Yes, significant lack of progress on projects and posts can only mean one thing.. Fully back to the vintage grindstone!
Nothing to do but be poised on the end of the phone to tweak Delphi code and fix stuff-ups on the MySQL database, and seemingly on-call 24/7. Luckily this year there are not so many changes so I’m kinda hoping by Mid April I will be at the tail end of the workload.
I am quite lucky I have understanding customers who don’t mind waiting a few months at this time of the year. (thanks guys!) Alex has also started her IT modules at Auckland University, it seems JavaScript is the programming language ‘de jour’ at the moment, bit of a mash up between C++ basic and dare I say a little bit of pascal. I dare say it will be a useful course but her first lecture threw in so many buzz-words she was a little inundated, hopefully I can help a little (I’m sure it cant be that hard!)
A Little off topic and for those that haven’t seen the TED Lectures I came across two interesting ones from a few months back
This one on the implications of computer learning which was a little disconcerting even for me.
And this one, which looks at a new way to use imaging to get a different perspective on the world.
both are around 7 minutes long and pack a lot in. If you haven’t subscribed to their RSS feed I highly recommend it.